A film by Jazmin Chiodi, Alexandre Iseli, Shane Vaughan, Lucy Dawson
A Tipperary Dance film project led by Jazmin Chiodi with children from Gaelscoil Thiobraid Árann.
In 2021 a group of children had their first encounter with contemporary dance through Tipperary Dance's Schools Programme. They were introduced to a participatory arts practice that supports equality, collaboration and creative expression. They discovered a collaborative approach in which each participant plays an equally important role and is empowered to express their own voice. Barriers dropped allowing for an openness where some children revealed hidden gifts, others built new relationships and the overall group’s dynamics became more fluid. On their journey of discovery, they pulled together as a community and learned to face life together. They became a tribe.
Dance in Schools is part of Tipperary Dance's Connecting Communities programme. Workshops led by Jazmin Chiodi and Lucy Dawson.
This screening is not open to bookings. The event invites all the children of the schools that took part in the project, along with their families and teachers, to discover the film for the first time on a cinema screen.
Warnings: none
Age: 7+
Artistic direction: Jazmin Chiodi & Alexandre Iseli
Choreography: Jazmin Chiodi and Lucy Dawson
Filming and Editing: Shane Vaughan & Lucy Dawson
Original Music: Oscar Mascareñas
Production: Tipperary Dance
Tribe is a Tipperary Dance production funded by the Arts Council of Ireland. Special thanks / Míle Buíochas le Eoghan Breathnach, Príomide agus na leanaí ar Gaelscoil Tiobraid Arann.
Tipperary Dance © 2024