Solo Logic

Solo Logic is a biographic solo piece that reformulates intimacy and movement vocabulary. Video projections are used as window to connect the outside to the inside. Empirical, sensitive, instinctive, animal, reacting to violence made to intimacy... solo logic.

Performed in: Ireland, France, USA, Mexico

Choreography: Alexandre Iseli & Jazmin Chiodi
Dance: Alexandre Iseli
Video: Francesco Cesalli
Lighting design: Laurence Halloy
Stage management: Orla Kavanagh

Co-production: Tipperary Excel Arts Centre, South Tipperary County Council Arts
Service, Tipperary Dance Residency. Production residencies: Dance Ireland (Dublin),
le Grand Studio (Brussels, Belgium), Teatro Victoria (Santa Cruz, Spain), Tipperary
Excel Arts Centre (Tipperary), Auditorio de Tenerife Adan Martin (Tenerife, Spain).

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Alexandre Iseli - Tipperary Dance Festival - Choreographer Headshot
Alexandre Iseli
Jazmín Chiodi - Tipperary Dance Festival - Choreographer Headshot
Jazmín Chiodi
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