Rising Voices: The Film

10 minutes (Triple-bill 90 min.)

Artistic Director: Alexandre Iseli
Film Director: Derek Pedros
Assistant Choreographer: Rocio Dominguez
Dancers: Lauren McGonagle, Anja Nicholson, Ben Sullivan,
Musician-Composer: Oscar Mascareñas
Producer: Greta Bourke
Communications: Noelia Ruiz
Coordination: Clodagh McCann

Rising Voices is embedded in a synergy of local and national partnerships including Clonmel Junction Festival, South Tipperary Arts Centre, Dance Ireland and Tigh Roy Ionad Cultúrtha. Supported by the Arts Council of Ireland, Tipperary Excel Arts Centre and Tipperary County Council.


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Derek Pedros - Headshot - Tipperary Dance
Rocio Dominguez Portrait Tipperary Dance
Óscar Mascareñas - portrait
Alexandre Iseli - Tipperary Dance Festival - Choreographer Headshot
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