Founded in 1991 by dancer and choreographer John Scott, Irish Modern Dance Theatre is one of the most original and responsive dance companies working in Ireland today. A Dublin-based ensemble, Scott and international guest choreographers create distinctive dance works with diverse casts, mixing virtuosic Irish and international dancers with African and Middle Eastern refugees and torture survivors. Most recent works include ‘Lear’, ‘Inventions’, ‘Actions’, ‘Dances for Inside and Outside’ and ‘Fall and Recover’ – all recognised for their intelligence, honesty and humanity. Our work crosses disciplines, subverts expectations of dance and dancers and finds new ways to explore contemporary issues.
“exuberant confidence, synchronicity and fluidity of movement … we watch, dazzled both by the light and the sureness and clarity of these fine dancers” Seona Mac Reamoinn, The Irish Times
“words and gestures somewhere between Beckett, Chaplin and Monty Python” Thomas Hahn/tanz magazine, Germany