The Moor

The Moor explores the formal structuring of sensitive body states, into an ensemble dance that reveals deeply buried emotions.

Performed in: Switzerland, UK, Ireland

Choreography: Jazmin Chiodi & Alexandre Iseli.
Dancers: Laura Alzina, Charlène Bonnet, Aude-Marie Bouchard, Léa Deschaintres, Izia Godefroy, Victor Poltier, Clara Protar, Ilario Santoro.
Set: Alexandre Iseli.

Production: A piece commissioned by Junior  Dance Company Le Marchepied, Switzerland.
Supported by Tipperary Dance Platform

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Alexandre Iseli - Tipperary Dance Festival - Choreographer Headshot
Alexandre Iseli
Jazmín Chiodi - Tipperary Dance Festival - Choreographer Headshot
Jazmín Chiodi
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