Me Seeing You

A dance piece for two dancers observed by two, mirroring video screens. ME SEEING YOU is a strong partnering dance where video projection and recorded political discourse emphasises the artificial aspects of
performance. The two channel video installation contains a muted gestural language that contrasts with the live performance, incorporating voyeuristic layers of looking to highlights the tensions between viewer and performer.

Performed in Ireland, Korea, Venezuela and Mexico

Conception, choreography and dance: Jazmin Chiodi & Alexandre Iseli
Light design: Orla Kavanagh

Funded by The Arts Council of Ireland, Tipperary County Council, The Excel Arts

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Alexandre Iseli - Tipperary Dance Festival - Choreographer Headshot
Alexandre Iseli
Jazmín Chiodi - Tipperary Dance Festival - Choreographer Headshot
Jazmín Chiodi
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