"El Hijo's package of raw talent and unmistakable craft will linger on in the memory forever."
110 minutes double-bill with Mufutau Yusuf's Òwe
El Hijo [‘The Son’] talks about the special bonds to parents and places, and how to deal with them. In a certain way, offspring understand themselves as individuals unloosening from the bond, yet hopelessly entangled in a repetition of manners and actions. Something which can only be partially explained because, at the end of the day, individuals always carry within them the echoing reinterpretation of their particular story.
"The visually powerful staging is impeccable. The music is thoughtfully chosen, with its persistent percussions. The dance is energetic and expressive, even in its quiet moments. However, lighting is one of the foremost reasons behind the play’s success. It grants colour and light a prominent and relevant role whereby the solo at times works as a duet between dancer and shadow." - Omar Kahn, Revista Susy-Q
"El hijo [‘The son’] distinguishes itself as one of those works that with its package of raw talent and unmistakable craft will linger on in the memory forever." - Mercedes L. Caballero
Warnings: none
Trailer: Watch Here
Running Time: 50 minutes
Age: 12+
Creation, lighting design and interpretation: Daniel Abreu
Direction assistant: Janet Novás
Dramaturgy assistant: Marina Wainer
Music: collage
Accesoires: Las practicables
Costume design: Leo Martínez and Daniel Abreu
Video projection and technical coordination: David Benito
Lighting design in collaboration with: Irene Cantero
Technicians: Jose Espigares, Cristina Prieto and Alfredo Diez
Photography: marcosGpunto
Managment: Esmanagment – Elena Santonja
Supported by Comunidad de Madrid
Supported on tour: INAEM
Collaborators: Centro Coreográfico Canal, Escuela de Música and Danza de Pozuelo, Provisional Danza and Teatro Victoria
Thanks to: Carlota Ferrer,Museo de la Universidad de Navarra, Festival de Otoño de Madrid, Dácil González, CarmenWerner, Carmen Fuentes, Mara, Carmen Benítez, Elena P., Sergio García, Centro Cultural Paco Rabal, Teatro Victoria, Festival Danzattack, Centro Cultural Eguía, Lavade Valladolid and Lucyanna Pettengil
Tipperary Dance © 2024