A thing is a thing is a thing is something else


Presented at: Irish Arts Centre New York City, USA | Centre Culturel Irlandais Paris, France | National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin | County Museum, Clonmel, Ireland

Concepts : Jazmin Chiodi, Martin Mele, Alexandre Iseli
Performer : Jazmin Chiodi
Music : Óscar Mascareñas
Visual Artist: Martin Mele
Video: Iseli-Chiodi

Commissioned by Andrew Duggan as part PROCLAMATION exhibition. Supported
by Culture Ireland and Tipperary Dance Residency.

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Alexandre Iseli - Tipperary Dance Festival - Choreographer Headshot
Alexandre Iseli
Jazmín Chiodi - Tipperary Dance Festival - Choreographer Headshot
Jazmín Chiodi
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