Board of Trustees 

Appointed to the Board in February 2023. Bronwell is an engineer with a PhD in International Business. Entrepreneur, global business director. Director of Customer Sservice, EMEA & JAPAC at Oracle.

Brownell O'Connor - Tipperary Dance - Headshot

Appointed to the Board in February 2023. Dylan has an MA in Peace and Development Studies. He is a choreographer, dance artist. Artistic Director at Dylan Quinn Dance Theatre.

Dylan Quinn 500x600

Appointed to the Board in February 2023. Mary is a curator, dance artist, choreographer and filmmaker. Co-curator of Light Moves Festival. Artistic Director at Dance Limerick.

Photo by Maurice Gunning

Mary Wycherley - Photo by Maurice Gunning

Appointed to the Board in February 2023. Jazmin has an MA in Festive Arts. She is a curator, choreographer and dance artist, co-founder of Tipperary Dance. Artistic Director of Dublin Dance Festival.

Jazmín Chiodi - Tipperary Dance Festival - Choreographer Headshot