Moving Voices

A few thoughts on a few things

Óscar Mascareñas

July 25, 2022

Óscar Mascareñas –
Clare, Ireland, Summer 2022



if I stop and pay attention there is always poetry around me.

In sound, in image, in light, in movement.

Not words

‘words no longer words’

but poetry.

Yes, a word on its own is also full of the poetic:

poetry pulsates inside a word. But it doesn’t end there.

It doesn’t dwell there.

If I stop, briefly, and pay attention, there is always poetry inside:

my eyes create it as I observe

my ears compose it when I listen

my hands, my feet, the whole of my body

skin in and out

feel it as I let my self go.

And watch.



Poetry and the poem


Many think a poem is what poetry is.


Poetry might come out of a poem.

Be in the poem.

Float above it.


And then vanish.


The poem is not the poetry.



Artistic dialogue

Usually silence.



Everyone arrives openended.

Empty as a barrenscape.

Then, it rains.



Creating with dance

To create sound for dance, with dance, I remind myself that all sound is movement first.


After that

all I need to do

is move.



 All movement is held up by stillness.



Just keep paying attention. It never is too long to wait.

Wait again – whenever possible. It always is.

The sound, the movement, the image is only a step away.

But if you move too fast, you miss it.

As the flower blossoms, the scent, the colour, the texture, the edges and the centre are all one.

What we see, smell and touch in and of the flower

 is our own senses re-cognising themselves.

The scent is no longer the flower’s

The colour is hers no more

The texture, the edges, the centre:

It’s all me.



Only possible if I forget.





The most silent thing you can experience

is your heartbeat.




The sun rises and sets.

The moon follows.

The crow quietly observes as it bounces on a thin telephone line.

The river flows.


People come and go.


The lovers kiss.

The travelling cloud rains.

Flowers bloom. And die.


In the Spring, the blackbird’s song in flight.

The stone always there. Being stone.


The wind shapes the worldscape.



Improvisation, again


Such is the complexity of emptiness

such its simplicity

that when it is the ground for improvisation

there can be no error.




Learning to unlearn

I am.




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